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any of you professional photographers have a solution? 
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июл 2018, 07:10
Сообщения: 8
Пол: Мужской
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Сообщение any of you professional photographers have a solution?

I've tried to use a a ring light/flash in my new photo booth design, but have come up with some issues. The aesthetics, simplicity, and clean lines of the flash are second to none in my opinion. The finished product on the other hand leaves much to be desired. I understand that it is intended for macro photography, but would love to extend the range to 4 feet or more. I found the only way to do that was to have another external light source. The issue is that an additional light source takes away from the simplicity and aesthetics. Is that the trade-off I have to make or do any of you professional photographers have a solution?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

http://www.photoboothtalk.com/forum/vie ... f=5&t=4307
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Thank you.

11 авг 2018, 10:53
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